
our strategy

We need government leaders to adopt emergency resolutions to:

  1. Implement a massive worldwide initiative to manufacture and deploy mirrors to reflect sunlight;

  2. Save biological biodiversity by declaring:

    a.     an immediate moratorium on all commercial ocean fishing, and

    b.     an unprecedented global initiative to create a vegan world by 2026; and

  3. Drawdown atmospheric carbon back to safe levels and restore ecosystems by reforesting land made available through veganism (“vegan reforestation”).  This is the long-term climate solution. 

As Harvard Professor Erica Chenoweth’s research explains, nonviolent campaigns representing 3.5% of the population very rarely fail.  Thus if we reach 250 million people, then governments will follow suit (especially given the grim prospect of worldwide environmental disaster).  

It isn't a straight shot to 250 million.  It is a matter of leapfrogs.  We believe our app will reach the first leapfrog of 100,000 - 2M downloads, and the goal of our second release of the app - which is a social justice social media app - is to reach 1M - 20M app users.  The ultimate goal is to train a workforce of people so that they propel the final leapfrog to 250 million.

This daunting responsibility to reach 20 million downloads and collectively influence 250 million people may seem insurmountable. But consider that 58% of Americans are now “alarmed” or “concerned” about climate change (figure below). Further, a 2018 Pew Research Center survey indicates 68% of people consider climate change a “major threat” – this was the median percentage from 27 surveyed countries. Thus, there are well over 500 million people worldwide concerned about climate change.

With that said, the mass media and most people in general do not understand the severity and urgency of the climate emergency, the importance of biodiversity to sustain life on Earth, and how to stop the desertification of our planet.  We need to educate the masses that biodiversity loss and desertification can be addressed if we rapidly engage in vegan reforestation, harvest rainwater to control water runoff, and declare a moratorium on commercial fishing. 

Further, while implementation of mirror reflection will likely be sure and swift by 2022, the resistance to veganism will remain substantial. People need to understand that biological diversity through veganism is necessary to sustain life on Earth.

This is where you come in.  Each of us are uniquely qualified to reach some of our friends and family members.

Or in other words, the Tellus Institute and the Great Transition Initiative (both founded by Ivy League professors) suggest that top-down legislation will not be enough.  It will take a sea change of consciousness.

That is why we ask you to:

  1. Start by watching all of the videos noted in the goals sections of our United in Heart app and then set your goals;

  2. Invite your friends and family to download our app;

  3. Read a few articles in the “Urgent, Must-Read” and “Essential Reading” categories; and

  4. Watch several videos in these categories:

    • “Urgent, Must Watch,”

    • “Environment,”

    • “Soul Force,”

    • Veganism (“Vegan Health,” “Going Vegan” and “Creature Kindness”),

    • “Self Empowerment,” and

    • “Veganic Abundance.”

In Release 2 of the app, you may add links to YouTube videos and watch videos shared by others. This way we learn and grow together through collective intelligence. All the while, we will earn Enviros in various categories and build out a more complete framework of understanding.

Arvin ParanjpeComment